Name and Age of birthday child
Adult Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Phone number contact for the day of the party (if different)
Your email address
Include any additional email addresses or fax #'s to send reservation information to
Address of party location
Billing address (if different from party location)
Date of Party
Party will take place
Theme of Birthday, if any
Age range of children attending
Corn Snake
Black Rat Snake
*Publean Milk Snake
*Nelson's Milk Snake
*Eastern Milk Snake
*Eastern King Snake
Ball Python
*Children's Python
*Sand Boa
*Northern Water Snake
Western Hognose Snake
*Hogg Island Boa
*&Northern Pine Snake
Eastern Box Turtle
Red-Footed Tortoise
Painted Turtle
Red-Belly Turtle
Diamondback Terrapin
Mud Turtle
Musk Turtle
*Malaysian Box Turtle
*Russian Tortoise
Red-Eared Slider
*#Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell Turtle
*Wood Turtle
*Three-Toed Box Turtle
#Snapping Turtle
#Crested Gecko
Leopard Gecko
Bearded Dragon
*#5-Lined Skink
*#Fire Skink
*Savannah monitor lizard
American Toad
#White's Tree Frog
*#Rough-Skinned Newt
#Grey Tree Frog
#Green Tree Frog
*#Pacman Frog
*#Green Frog
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
#Tarantulas (Curly Hair, Pink Toe species)
Betsy Beetle (availability varies)
#Asian Forest Scorpion
*#Tailless Whip Scorpion
#Praying Mantis (availability varies)
#Vietnamese Walking Stick Insects (seasonal)
#Hermit Crab
#Moon Crab
Note: None are touchable; however, artifacts like feathers and talons can be brought for interaction.
*Red-Tailed Hawk
*Screech Owl
Pigeon (Feral Domestic Rock, Messenger, King, Fancy Fantailed)
*American Kestrel
Please limit the number of mammals to 2, unless you are booking a Warm & Fuzzy birthday party for ages 2-3.
#*Gray Squirrel (with only certain instructors)
We have a young American alligator that we are currently fostering. He is available for parties (certain instructors only)
American alligator
Backup Choice #1
Backup Choice #2
Backup Choice #3
Birthday Child's Tshirt Size
I would like an additional birthday shirt for a sibling/dual birthday honoree
Yes (+$10)
Would you like party favors? (Optional)
Package 1: Footprint or Tail print Ornaments ($3.50 each). This purchase goes toward our ongoing fund raiser for our animal care.
Available Prints: Ferret, Opossum, Rat, Chinchilla, Squirrel, Box Turtle, Russian Tortoise, Red-Footed Tortoise, Bearded Dragon, Painted Turtle, Snapping Turtle, and more.
If requesting specific prints, please provide your list at least 2 weeks in advance.
Select Package 1: Footprint or Tail Print Ornaments (specify any requests below)
Package 2: Party Favor Packet ($6 each). This purchase goes toward our ongoing fund raiser for our animal care.
Includes a footprint ornament, plus
-An Echoes of Nature pencil
-A full color, glossy, postcard size picture of one of the ambassadors (Postcards currently available: screech owl, kestrel, diamondback terrapin, crested gecko, rabbit).
Select Package 2: Party Favor Packet (specify any requests below)
Package 3: Make your own animal footprint dough ornaments! ($115 for additional ~30 minutes beyond program schedule)
Cost covers the materials for the dough, plates, baggies, etc. The participants will be able to make ~2-3 prints and cutouts, and prep for them to dry at home.
Select Package 3: Make Your Own Animal Footprint Dough Ornaments
Safety Policies
We always aim to have a couple of touchable animal ambassadors for all birthday participants. Children under 5 cannot touch the live reptiles and amphibians*, but they'll get to see them up close and be able to touch other biofacts and live animals. *There are exceptions if the child's parents are there and give us permission.
Food cannot be eaten while we show the animals. This is for health reasons (both for the children and the animals). Hand washing after the program is a must, especially prior to food consumption.
I've read and agree to these policies
If you have any additional questions or comments before submitting your request, please put them below