After School
PreK-K, K-3, and 1-3
Echoes of Nature provides after school nature themed programs that come to your facility. Most sessions have a different live animal ambassador that comes out for the topic of that week. All programs have activities, games and crafts that relate to that day’s topic.
General Information
Duration: 45 minutes to an hour long
Frequency: Sessions meet once a week on the selected day for 4-8 weeks per session.
Availability: Fall, winter and spring sessions.
Class Size: Minimum 8; maximum 15 (exceptions are possible but must be approved of first.)
Volunteer aide requested: this is a great way for your older students to earn those community service hours required by the schools. They would be of great help with set up, break down, monitoring, and assisting the teacher. Anyone interested must enjoy working with younger children and don’t mind live animals. Sign up here
After School Session Topics

Main Program: Nature Club
For the preK to K grades the programs rotate every 2 years so the child does not see the same program twice. For the K to 2 or 1 to 3, the programs rotate through a 3 year cycle. (We can also do grades K to 3.)

Bugs and Such
We will explore different types of "bugs" and have close up encounters with live ones. We will separate the “bugs” into their actual groups. How and where do they live? How are they adapted to live in different environments? We will also have crafts and activities.

Dino Session
We will meet with some living fossils that were around before, during and after the dinosaurs. We will also talk about certain dinosaurs and learn some cool facts while we explore through activities and crafts. Come be a paleontologist with us!

Endangered Species
Did you know that Maryland has endangered and threatened plants and animals? What are some of them? What are some of the endangered species from around the world? Let’s meet a few of these animals and learn why they are having trouble in the wild. Let’s discover ways that we can make a difference.